Inventory Management

Manage Inventory with high degree of efficiency. Manage Purchase Orders, Good Receipt Notes, Warehouse Transfers and much more. Manage and adjust stocks effectively.

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Product Category and Brands

You can set if the product in this category is Serviceable or not. You can also easily deactivate category or brand.

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Pricing Category

You could manage multiple slabs of pricing such as Purchase Price, Dealer Price, Transfer Price, Sales Price, etc. This would be useful for Sales and Quotation, when you need to assign a special price for a customer.

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Manage pricing structure, images/ for quotations, related products, set if it needs Serial Numbers to manage inventory, etc. It also has a rich text editor, which allows html description for your products.

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Purchase Orders

Manage multiple purchase orders and also product returns back to the supplier. Purchase Orders could be tracked with GRN or Goods Receipt Note.

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Goods Receipts

Add product to inventory based on pending Purchase Orders. Could set defective product, serial numbers or change price for the product.

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Stock Adjustments

Product Inventory could be adjusted using stock adjustment. Stock could be added or deducted from any of your branches.

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Warehouse Transfer

Product could be transferred from one branch or location or warehouse to another. This inventory is tracked by the system, when the transfers are made.

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Enquiry Management

Effectively and efficiently manage Enquires to maximize lead conversions. Record all enquiries, plan follow-up schedules, assign lead accountability, and update enquiry status.

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Manage Customers and Contacts

You could add and store unlimited leads, customers and contacts for each customer or company. This system is also a mini CRM portal.

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Handle enquiries from existing or new customers. Easily manage what the enquiry was about and schedule follow-up on the spot.

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Schedule Follow-Ups

Assign Sales or Marketing executives to any Enquiry. The system will show which executive is free and would be suitable for the follow-up. Could update the follow-ups from anywhere with an internet connection.

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Pending Follow-Ups

Administrator could see the list of pending follow-ups for which the status was not updated. Additional follow-up for the enquiry could be set on the same screen, where the follow-up is closed.

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Enhanced Security

Sales executives can only see their Scheduled follow-ups. They cannot see customer records or other executive’s schedules, unless permission given.

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Complete History

You could view the complete history for any enquiry. Follow-up Schedules, Follow-up remarks, Quotations, Stores Request could be tracked.

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Change Enquiry Status

You could change the enquiry status to Lost or Wait. If a Sale is made, it is automatically termed as Won.

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Sales Management

Track Sales at all times. Follow-up on quotations, generate invoices, manage product delivery, track quotation approvals, dis-approvals or pending statuses. Receive and manage direct-at-the-counter sales too.

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Create Quotations from Enquiry

Easily create quotations in a matter of seconds from Enquiry itself. Automatically assign related products and set Price from defined price structures.

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Store Request

Easily generate Stores Request from Approved Quotations. Stores request could be raised for Customer Demo or for Sales itself.

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Delivery Challan from Store Request

Automatic Delivery Challans are created when Stores Request is created. This could be used for your internal purposes.

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Track Pending Store Requests

The system will keep track of who requested for what product and for whom Any product taken out should either be sold or should be returned back. Sales2Service does that tracking for you, very easily.

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Sales From Enquiry

Sales Bill could be created from Stores Request. The details are pre-filled from the Enquiry, Quotation and Stores Request. So you could generate the bill in seconds.

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Direct Sales

Sales could also be created without any enquiry or quotation or stores request. This would be useful for any counter sales or walk-in customer sales.

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Value Addition and Profit Margins

Each Sale would show your Value Addition and Profit percentage for that sale. If the sales profit goes below a certain percentage, the administrator would have to approve it. You could also get report on which executive has brought more value addition per sale.

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Complaint Management

Record and report complaints from prospects and existing customers. Follow-up each and every complaint till satisfactorily closed. Allocate Executives to accounts, schedule follow-up, communicate complaint status and take all actions necessary.

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Create Complaints from Walk-in Customers

Complaints could be added from New Customers also. All walk-in complaint could be set if it is billable or not.

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Create Complaints from Existing Customers

Complaint could be registered for existing customers. The complaint would show if it is billable or non-billable based on the existing contract.

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Billable or Non-Billable

When creating a complaint, you could find out if that complaint is billable or not. It will also show when that contract is expiring. You could also see number of support calls available.

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Move Product to In-House or To Supplier

The product could be moved from customer to In-house for servicing. The product could also be marked to send to Supplier. Sales2Service does the inventory tracking for you, very easily.

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Manage Expenses for Follow-Ups

You could keep track of additional expenses made for each service call. These expenses could be finally added up to Service bill.

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Service Estimations

Estimations for additional Spares or Services could be generated. The PDF file and email could be sent to the customer, automatically.

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Complaint Type for Each Category

Each product category could have a list of predefined complaints remarks. This would be useful for the executive who is handling complaints to select from a predefined list.

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Service Contracts

Generate Service Contracts, schedule renewals and service timings. Plan and schedule preventive maintenance plans. Communicate for renewal and schedules to ensure high customer service.

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Create Contracts Directly from Sales

You could create Warranty or Field Support Contracts directly from Sales. The sales information are prefilled and you have to manage the contract type and expiry information

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Manage Different Types of Contracts

You could easily manage Warranty, AMC, PMC, Per Call or Field Support type of contracts. It could be further classified Spares or Labour is billable, replacement allowed or if regular follow-up is required.

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Expiring or Expired Contracts

Can see the list of Expired or Expiring Contracts. Could easily generate Quotation or renew the contract from that list.

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Upcoming Maintenance

The system will show you a list of contracts for which Maintenance should be scheduled. A follow-up could be easily scheduled from the pending schedule list.

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Field Support Calls Option

You could easily set number of client visit or calls you will make for each contract. The field calls is much more easy to manage and useful than normal maintenance schedule.

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Quotations – Sales and Service Contracts

Generate, track and manage Quotes. Follow-up on quotes for approvals, disapprovals or pending statuses. Loop in Client representatives in the process. Skip process and steps for routine purchases, as and when required.

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Multiple Quotations for Single Entry

Any number of quotations could be generated for a single enquiry. A new quotation could be created by just copying the existing one and making changes in it.

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Customer Approval for Quotation

The system will allow customer to approve the quotation sent to him. The quotation details are sent in email and the customer could click on Approve link to just approve it.

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Quotation in PDF Format

The quotations are created in PDF format and could be downloaded. The PDF quotations could be created any time for any number of quotation.

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Emailing Quotation

The quotation could be emailed to the customer contact, along with the PDF format as attachment. The quotation could also be sent to an additional email apart from the customer contact.

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Byepass Customer Approval

The administrator could bypass customer approval for a quotation. This access is not available for normal executives or users.

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Easly Generate Requests or Contracts

You could create Stores Requests or Service Contracts in one single click. These documents can be generated from Approved Quotations in a matter of seconds.

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Scheduling Follow-Up Calls

Schedule Follow-ups for each enquiry, track and update account status constantly. Allocate Executives for follow-ups. Track Executive Performance with the leads. Ensure leads conversion through regular follow-ups.

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Multiple Executives Per Schedule

You could assign more than one executive for a schedule. Sometimes multiple executives are required for a Sales Demo or Service Call.

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Know Free Time From Executive Calendar

You can check the availability of your executives from the Schedule Calendar. This would be useful to fix a schedule only when the executive is free.

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Assign Executives Based On Zone and Category

The executives could be shown for a schedule,based on their expertise in a particular product category or reachability in a zone.

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Follow-Up Plan And Schedule

Sales2Service would help you in getting the future follow-up plan and schedule for any or all of your executives.

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Easy Follow-Up Closing and Re-Scheduling

You or the executive to whom a follow-up is assigned, could easily close a follow-up from anywhere.

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Location Wise and Executive Wise Follow-Up: Additional Security

Except for the administrator, all the users can only see the follow-ups assigned to them.

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Extensive Reports

Generate multiple reports for analysis and decision making. Track Daily Reports, Employee Performance Reports, Follow-up actions reports and Inventory reports.

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Executive Performance and Daily Activity Report

Sales2Service would show you how much value an executive brings to your business.

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Current Stock And Pricing

You could easily take a stock report based on Category and Location. You could also see how many defective products you have in your inventory.

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Follow-Up and Schedule Reports

Sales2Service would help you get a clear report on follow-up for each executive. You could get a list of Pending Follow-ups and Closed or Completed Follow-up reports.

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Dynamic Animated Charts

You could see animated charts for executive value addition for each location within a date range. The animated charts could be created for any other reports too.

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List of Records For All Types Of Transaction

Apart from these reports, you have access to view list of all types of Transactions like Enquiries, Follow-ups, Quotations, Stores Request, Sales, Purchase Orders, GRNs, Contracts, Complaints, etc.

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Non-Invoiced Materials Report

A report to track materials taken from stores for demo or sales or service. Search by location and executive could help manager/admin extensively to track materials.

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Personalized Customization

Customize the application to suit business requirements. Customize email texts, company identifications. Determine employee access to various decision making points. Safeguard data by controlling access.

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Personlaized Logo,Banner,Header and Footer

You can use your company logo and address information in all the PDF and emails that you send.

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Customized Email Texts

You can change the email text or message that is being sent. Sales2Service provides you with email message templates, that could be changed to suit your business profile.

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Customized Business Texts

The terms and conditions content inside your contracts and quotations could be changed by you.

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Customized PDF Templates on Additional Cost

Further more, your PDF document could be made even more personal at an additional cost.

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Full Control Over System Data

You can change Tax information, Product Pricing slabs, Contract Types, Service Intervals and much more.

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Customize What Your Employees Can Access

You can provide individual access control for each employee you have in your organization.

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