Quotations – Sales and Service Contracts
Generate, track and manage Quotes. Follow-up on quotes for approvals, disapprovals or pending statuses.
Loop in Client representatives in the process. Skip process and steps for routine purchases, as and when required.
Build Multiple Quotations
- Build multiple quotations for a single enquiry
- Build new quotation by just copying the existing one and making changes in it
- Make quick decisions in revising and sending quotes
- Record quotes for future reference and documentation purposes
Customer Approval for Quotation
- Get instant approval from the Client in the application itself
- Client can directly click the Approve button to pass the quote
- Auto generated email sent to client informing of the quote
Quotations in PDF format
- Quotes built in pdf format
- Can be downloaded
- Multiple versions and files can be created
Emailing Quotation
- Email the quotation to the customer contact
- Send the PDF format as an attachment
- Tag important officials or team members in these emails
Bypass Customer Approval
- Adjust transactions with routine customers
- Bypass customer approval for a quotation, if the customer demands it
- Control access for executives
- Can restrict executives or some users from accessing any quote based information
Track Quotations With Approvals Pending
- Create Stores Requests or Service Contracts in one single click
- Track all pending approvals on quotes sent
- Build detailed reports giving status update on the enquiry, quotation sent, remarks, for effective tracking