Inventory Management

Manage Inventory with high degree of efficiency.
Manage Purchase Orders, Good Receipt Notes, Warehouse Transfers and much more. Manage and adjust stocks effectively.

Product Category and Brands

  • Add multiple Product categories
  • Add multiple Brands under each Category
  • Record product information
  • Mark Product serviceability
  • Deactivate Category, Product, Brand, whenever required

Pricing Category

  • Manage multiple categories of pricing
  • Manage price components as Customer, Offer, Dealer and so on to make the best deals
  • Incorporate Transfer price rates for SBUs
  • Record, manage and strategize Price with transparency and efficiency


  • Add multiple products
  • Manage pricing structure, images/ for quotations
  • List and manage related products for bundling and/or servicing
  • Set Serial Numbers to manage inventory
  • Rich text editor allowing html description of products

Purchase Orders

  • Generate Purchase Orders (PO)
  • List Suppliers and Information
  • Select Tax types
  • Maintain detailed record of all POs
  • Record Products Returned to the Supplier

Goods Receipts

  • Build Good Receipt Notes (GRN)
  • Link POs to the GRN Point
  • Maintain Records of GRN by date, location, Supplier, POs

Stock Adjustments

  • Adjust Product Inventory using stock adjustment option
  • Add or deduct Stock from any of the branches
  • Mention Product Defects, record nature of defects
  • Note appropriate remarks for each adjustments made

Warehouse Transfer

  • Transfer products among branches/ warehouses/ locations
  • Detailed records of transfers undertaken
  • Add appropriate remarks
  • Update the status of each transfer