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How to manage Follow Up Details for Admins / managers

Steps Explained

  1. Menu Link:Follow Up List – Admin
  2. This list / report is for Admins / Managers who can view their own follow ups as well as follow ups of other executives in their own locations and unscheduled enquiries in their locations. Admins can Set Schedule, Update an Follow Up, Create Quotation from this report. Only Super admin can choose locations. Super Admin can view all executives details.
  3. Search for enquiries based on Date range, Enquiry Status, Follow Up Status, Executives and keyword. Super Admin can search based on location.
  4. Following actions can be done from this list. Some actions may not be available depending upon the enquiry status and follow up status.
  5. Set Schedule (How to Set Schedule for an enquiry?),
    Update Follow Up (How to update Follow Up?),
    Go to Quotation (How to create Quotation?).

    The color of Scheduled Date says something about the follow up.

  6. Green – Follow Up is not due in another 5 days.
    Yellow – Follow Up is due in another due days.
    Blue – Follow Up is completed and updated with feed back.
    Red – Follow Up is not closed and scheduled date is crossed.